Response to Christian article “Does God Exist?” by Nathan Renner

Response to Christian article “Does God Exist?”  by Nathan Renner

This article reminds me of the Seventh-day Adventist doctrine of “The Great Controversy” – explanation for why there is pain and suffering in the world though there is an allegedly powerful loving God existing in the Universe…

The opening reminds me of the short story “Candide” by Voltaire ~ It’s about a young man, with a priest mentor who has a philosophy that the world is perfect, and that nothing in the world could ever be changed to make it better, any change at all would make it worse, because it is currently in its most perfect state of affairs.
The man is thrown out of his estate, is drifting with the wind through the world, gets sucked into a war, sees mass murder, and horrible things while traveling the world, and is shocked as to how the philosopher could have been correct…
The article is for believers, so it has no relevance to my life.
If you consider reality with the assumption that the God of the Bible exists, then you need some justification for the state of things, and I feel the Great Controversy is the most logical one, but like Christianity in general, has no foundation, other than the fact that you believe in it with faith and hope that it’s true…
If God exists, then everything must be perfect, and the Bible must be flawless and without contradictions, atrocities or craziness.. because if there were bad things, surely He would have corrected them, or in any case, all things work out for good ultimately.