Category: Tech Blog

PNG Transparency in IE6

Something so annoying is that transparency of PNG images is removed in IE6
I got this from this awesome website

I always remembered it by the blue green car that you can drag around ~ I’ve been using it for a while ~

Download the script here, then use this:

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
 <script defer type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

One wordpress install with two domains pointing to it

There are some wp-config codes you can use to allow any domain to run on your website – but this is a method of adding exactly one specific domain name added on to your site. Multiple domains, one WordPress installation.

Open WP-CONFIG.PHP – and paste this after the line about “table prefix”

$hostname = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$hostname = str_replace('http://', '', $hostname);
$hostname = str_replace('https://', '', $hostname);
$hostname = str_replace('www.', '', $hostname);
$hostname = strtolower($hostname);
if(substr($hostname, -1) == '/') {
 $hostname = substr($hostname, 0, -1);
if ($hostname == '') {
define('WP_SITEURL', 'https://'.$hostname);
define('WP_HOME', 'https://'.$hostname);

Replace “” with your website address. This should be the 2nd add on domain (for example, if I wanted the website to appear at the address “” also.

How to edit themes, and stop deleting and erasing all changes when upgrading your theme

If you edit and tweak a theme, making the changes in the theme’s folder, all changes will be wiped out if you upgrade the theme.

If you want to keep your changes, and never upgrade your theme, you can make it yours by changing the theme name.
to do this:

  • Set your WordPress site to another theme, like twenty-ten
  • FTP into Root -> wp-content -> themes ->
  • Rename your edited theme to anything
  • Go into the directory and edit ‘style.css’ – adding the theme name
  • Then refresh your WordPress theme selection page and re-add your newly renamed theme

Now you won’t get prompted to update your theme.

About “Envelopery”

I used to use envelopery as an email address and company name (hosting and technology blog) however these have been assimilated into the website.

How did the name “Envelopery” come about?

I was sitting in my sister’s room trying to help her think of a unique username for a new gMail account (but as with many other popular services online, all the usernames you would normally think of were taken) – refusing to just add numbers to the end. I was thinking of different ideas, and one thought that came to me, was that eMail is quite like a post office, then thinking “envelope.. envelopery..?” – I was so amused by the word, thinking it was like a new name for a place where envelopes are made – an Envelopery.

Old Website Interface

Google Chrome Development – Themes

I made some Chrome themes – however one of them, which had the Google logo as the background was flagged/ taken down – and actually all my themes had copyright images, so I deleted all of them…

The first I started adding themes to the Chrome web store was the 24th of April 2011 – All taken down 1st of September 2014. During the end period of time – weekly active users counted 15034 people.

Your Listings (1 – 6 of 6) Created Weekly users
Pushka Google logo light shadow 4/24/11 493
Orion Twilight Parasprite Nebula 5/30/13 1326
Pushka Google Original Logo Light 4/25/11 3716
Pushka Google Simple Black White 4/25/11 1555
Legend Zelda Majora’s Mask 2/24/13 6748
Aperture Science Old Time Dark Portal 3/15/13 1196
  Start Total Users
  24/04/2011 15034

Idea/ Request for Google+

July 18, 2011

Yeah ~ can’t wait for more powerful options ~ ~

What I would really love is to be able to add one circle in another…
so when a person is added to one circle, that contact could propagate through the other ones, (and same if removed)


Work -> my work -> Boss

3 circles, where the one on the right is in the left one etc.

Work -> my work -> co-workers


you could do this, but you’d need to add people into more circles one by one..
and if you wanted to remove someone you’d need to do it everywhere…

inherited circles?

Google+ is a Photo Book win

Just added 1,200 photos to Google+, done in 2 hours, what I did on FaceBook in 5 years ~

Photos in Google+ is amazing O__O
just drag and drop as many photos as you want, and can drag in more while the others are loading.. can also have multiple pages loading photos at once, even on an internet connection that cuts out 10 times in 2 hours !!! ~ ~

Also, on Google+ they claim to allow unlimited high resolution photos that are under 2,000 pixels ~

that means that my computer can now be empty, and just hold stuff that I’m working on at the moment ~ (hence the ChromeBook~ operating system that is just a browser.. lightning fast)

so Google, you can upload ALL your Microsoft Office documents (docs), Videos (YouTube), photos (G+) and have them all in the cloud, easy to share/ collaborate, access from anywhere, and backup forever for free. ^__^  taking over the internet and the world – hooray ~

win ~

The Web is what you make of it

Google have had an interesting marketing scheme, using the phrase “the web is what you make of it”

Like most things in the world, the Internet can be used for huge destruction, harm and pain

But it can also be used for great good and positive impact.

It isn’t good or bad, it is simply a tool to be wielded by people.

What it does, is up to you and me.

I recently had a prayer meeting over Google+ video chat, it was awesome, a new experience, bringing us closer through the web like never before ~

I know there are more amazing things that can be discovered to help people and change the world. Anything is possible, as long as you can imagine it.

What are some things you have seen on the web that have touched you?
What will be the next big thing to make an impact?

Minimalist Google short URL

I have made a mockup of what could be ^__^

Google Simple short URL

I have been wanting to apply/ work at google for a while, and one thing I wanted to do was to register for Google. They have already announced that they will do just that ~

This is the design I was thinking was would be good for this shortlink ~ minimalistic and fast ~

What they could also do is make these shortlinks:

It would save a lot of cumulative seconds with less typing ~

Android Update, Use Apple earphones

When I first got my shiny Nexus S Android phone, I was so excited at the new unjailed possibilities, fascinated with the new things I could now do with this Android smart phone OS happiness ~

But I was displeased when i put the earbuds in my ears, and they would fall out, not hooking to my ears. And when I tried my old iPhone headphones, the buttons did nothing…

But in the recent update, Android also slipped in the functionality to use apple earphones to start stop music etc.

Just a small thing that made things better… I wonder how many people this affected~