- Born: 1988 ~
- Father gets a computer for CAD work etc. – 1995 (Windows/DOS)
- We get the internet – 1998? (also elementary school b/white macs playing games)
- Take first IT class, learning basics of HTML etc. – 2001 (iMac bubble)
- Holiday from IT ~ ~ woowoo~~
- 2005 – take two senior high school classes on IT and SDD (Software design and development), learn the foundation of programming (though need to teach myself a lot, since crazy Polish teacher Mr. Fabik thinks we should ~
- 2007 – IT at uni ! ^__^ Programming in C++, Python, JAVA, ASP, PHP (in spare time) etc.
- 2007 – First plunge into Linux, having a bout with Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn (but then start using mac)
- 2010 – Leave uni 1 year before finishing to train to be a Bible teacher, quit uni to take on entrepreneurship and IT/Web business. (tools of the trade – home built desktop with Windows/Linux)
- profit!