I saw some posts and tutorials about using Synergy to connect Ubuntu/Mac – but after following a few, I couldn’t get it to work, then trial and error, more tutorials, and I got it, so I’ll share – Ubuntu having the mouse/ keyboard, and sharing them with Mac – (client)
This makes it as if it’s dual-screen – but with different operating systems.
- Ubuntu – search software center for “synergy” – install QuickSynergy
- Mac – SynergyKM – I used version 1.3.1
- I don’t know if this file has anything to do with getting it to work, but:
download this file, edit it replacing “pushka” with your main computer name that has the keyboard and mouse to share, and “sda” with the extra computer. - Install these on the separate machines
- Then move the file to /etc (in Filesystem, Root.) But you need to have Admin privileges.
Open up Terminal, type in:
“sudo mv “
Then drag into the terminal the file you just downloaded (it will write in the link to it)
Then press space
Then type “/etc” (or again, drag in the folder into the terminal.) - On ubuntu open up the preferences -> share, and type in the computer name in the box where you want the computer mouse to switch to the mac.
EG: I have my MacBook next to my desktop on the left, so I type “sda” (the name of my Mac Computer into the left box) - On Mac – Prefrences -> use, type in the computer name and .local (like, “pushka.local”)
- Then run the two apps on both computers, and it should be done ~ ~
If you find it’s the same on other opperating systems, leave a comment below ~
If you don’t need that file – comment, and I’ll remove those steps ~