Category: Tech Blog

Resize windows by holding Alt, and draging right click

In Ubuntu the edge of windows for resizing is quite sensitive and thin.

But there is an easier way to resize windows ~ 
just like you can move windows around by holding Alt and draging the window with your left mouse button – you can do the same with your right mouse button to resize the window.

Install Compiz – then do this:

Alt+F2 (run program) -> type ‘gconf-editor’ ->  click to directories: apps -> metacity -> general -> ‘resize_with_right_button’ tick the checkbox

And that’s it ~

File Sharing – Mac and Ubuntu

This is a random tip:

It’s quite easy to share files between Ubuntu and Apple Mac if connected to the same WIFI network.

  • just open mac’s
    Settings -> Sharing ->Check box file sharing on
  • click next to the checkbox -> otions
  • share files and folders using FTP check on

Then from Ubuntu,

  • click places -> Network, and it should show
  • type in the Mac login details to connect
  • you can now browse the mac directories, and take files from there, or put files there.

Delete everything in a folder in the terminal~

I had this problem that I had an undeletable file – when I pressed “delete” or “rename”, it would say “file does not exist”
I got rid of one in the terminal, but the other had a “!” in the filename and so terminal thought it was some other command…

Delete everything in a folder in the terminal:

sudo rm -rf ~/Folder/*

`Warning – files deleted this way can’t be recovered.

Building a computer

I have built my first computer from parts I bought at – a
cheap factory outlet type computer shop line springing up around
Australia. I wanted to get a more powerful desktop computer to do
more heavy work on. Total cost: $850 Mac pro: $6,200? 3.2GHz
Processor speed 4GB RAM 1TB HDD 1GB ASUS video card 20′ LED monitor
I had some troubles putting it together – one wire was plugged into
the wrong socket…

building-a-computer computer-built

Kubuntu Shared folder in Virtual Box Windows XP

If you want to have a shared folder linking you Kubuntu desktop to a virtual XP – click Settings -> Shared Folders (in Virtual Box pane)

fill in all the info for your folder you want to share,

then in Windows,

Run (command) -> type in “net use x: \\vboxsvr\Folder" (no quotes) where folder is a folder in your home directory.

This will mount your shared folder into Windows.


The history of my Computing Adventures

  • Born: 1988 ~
  • Father gets a computer for CAD work etc. – 1995 (Windows/DOS)
  • We get the internet – 1998? (also elementary school b/white macs playing games)
  • Take first IT class, learning basics of HTML etc. – 2001 (iMac bubble)
  • Holiday from IT ~ ~ woowoo~~
  • 2005 – take two senior high school classes on IT and SDD (Software design and development), learn the foundation of programming (though need to teach myself a lot, since crazy Polish teacher Mr. Fabik thinks we should ~
  • 2007 – IT at uni ! ^__^ Programming in C++, Python, JAVA, ASP, PHP (in spare time) etc.
  • 2007 – First plunge into Linux, having a bout with Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn (but then start using mac)
  • 2010 – Leave uni 1 year before finishing to train to be a Bible teacher, quit uni to take on entrepreneurship and IT/Web business. (tools of the trade – home built desktop with Windows/Linux)
  • profit!

Adobe Creative Suite on Ubuntu Linux

One of the things that really bugs me about operating systems is that I want to use Ubuntu Linux, but I also want to use Adobe Creative Suite. Read my article about operating systems in general.

Here are some replacements that have been recommended:




An old article I wrote on the topic

I was so happy to be using Ubuntu – everything was working out, it was so smooth and quick, but then just as everything was settling down, I was thrust back into the cold dark world of Windows.

It seemed that all around me from all directions I needed some Adobe Suite applications, InDesign for designing posters, flyers, a book, resume etc.etc. and some powerful video editing software, and photoshop’s powerful batch processing…

I wish Adobe would open its software to Ubuntu… Though they probably wouldn’t get much business… It’s silly to get an open operating system and then a huge paid application suite…

I’m comforted by the fact that I can use Chrome on Windows, and now that it’s behaving more like an operating system, I can forget that I’m using windows at all…

Since Chrome has the capabilities of using hardware exceleration, using the graphics/video card, it would be amazing if Google or someone else could make a Chrome app set that could replace Adobe applications…