Category: Tech Blog


July 05, 2014 – I deleted my facebook account for the 3rd time or something.

In high school – we used MySpace, since facebook didn’t exist, and then in time for uni, 2007 – you had to register for facebook with a university email (it started in USA only, then to educational members, then open to the public.)

In uni, I thought my account got hacked, so I deleted all my friends or something – then when Google+ was invented, I decided to migrate, so I deleted all my posts and set everything to private, though I was the only one that wanted to move @-@

I was inspired by this video:

Though, I have been hanging out with real people in real life more, recently – and it’s wonderful.

I would also rather use my time reading, lifting weights and making YouTube videos rather than wasting my life on facebook – and there is always email, sms and Google+ with which to contact people ~ 

Maybe I’ll be back – but hopefully not.

(By the way – this was just when facebook gained access to the phone microphone and started automatically tagging music and shows into posts by listening to the users surroundings @-@) 

Blocked Blacklisted Sites from Google Search

Edit – there is a greasemonkey/ tampermonkey script you can use rather than a chrome extension:


The Chrome extension to block sites from Google has been deleted from the web-store (surprise surprise, Google owns Chrome, so they obv. don’t want anyone touching Google-search)

This article has alternatives – Remove Google results, block list

I am starting a list of blocked websites/ domains from Google search.

    • When linking directly to an article page – there is a blank landing page, then the user needs to click through to the actual page – then on load, a huge explanatory banner pops up covering the article… If I’m going to read or share articles, I want to see the article immediately… If Forbes ever fixes this, tag me/ tell me in the comments below and I’ll remove this filter… ~ There are so many news sources – ain’t nobody got time for that ~
    • Website is blocked if you have adblock
    • Congratulations on becoming a huge website in a short amount of time, but if that means pushing subscription pop-ups on me every time I visit your page – I don’t want a part of it. Click the YouTube logo in the corner of the video and send me that link, not the UpWorthy landing page.
    • Upon loading the site, a popup asks you to like/ share on social media.. But I know nothing about how good your site is, and I’d rather block it from search results and share the website on this list than share on social media…
    • after reading a bit, a gigantic splash screen appears ~ just what I always wanted  ~
    • Massive splash screen after 5 seconds
    • This website blocks users who use Add-Block
    • This website blocks users who use Add-Block
    • there are better public domain vector websites
    • Online tools – but comes up with spam splash screens – there are better websites out there
    • Download youtube videos – 1080p doesn’t work
    • Content is blocked unless you pay them
    • Full page splash screen ad
    • AI image edit – must use CC details for free trial

List without notes/ formatting: (You can import by copy-pasting the list)

Chrome extension deleted by Google, – Chrome alternatives in this article 

The same for FireFox




Bing/ Chrome block domains – extension download (syncs to G Drive or DropBox) 


Excel Spreadsheet Google Sheets XLS Notes

The following are some Excel  functions I use for data processing. I use Google Drive/ Google Docs/ Google Sheets.

Repeat count for each element in a list

In the 1st column of the sheet, have a list of items, then in the 2nd column, first cell, add this code:

 =ArrayFormula(QUERY(A:A&{"",""},"select Col1, count(Col2) where Col1 != '' group by Col1 label count(Col2) 'Count'",1))

The code will generate a list of unique items that make up the 1st list, and next to it in the 3rd column, will show the counts. (EG: if the 1st list is completely unique, nothing repeating, it will generate the same list with “1” next to each item)

I found the code on this Stack Overflow thread, submitted by Adam L.


Various JavaScript Programming Notes

To make a 2 dimensional array

var v=new Array();
var v2=new Array();
v[0]=1; v[1]=7; v2[0]=v;
var x = v2[0][0] // x is 1;

Add to an array


Function – If string S is in array A, then return true

function inArray(string, array){
 for(var i = 0;i < array.length;i++){
 if (array[i]==string){
 return true;
 return false;



Phone Idea from 2007 – Automatic phone sound profiles

I found a funny draft email in an old email account with my revolutionary phone idea I emailed to some companies.. 

It is now possible to do this with Android apps – I use it to auto-switch my phone to aeroplane mode at night, and turn to silent during weekly lectures or meetings.


As a user of mobile phones, I have an idea that would revolutionize the phone experience.
There is a feature that no phone company has thought of and one that almost every person in the world with a phone needs.

The idea is a build on the “theme” feature of most phones, a profile for your phone for specific times (e.g. in car, meetings, outside etc.), in which you can change the volume of ringing, ring tone, vibration etc. This is a very convenient feature, but it is inconvenient to constantly change themes, especially when you always change it at the same times, in a pattern.

If you could set alarm like times for your different themes, You would never have a phone go off in class, or at work, or in a meeting; and you would never miss a call because you forget to turn your phone off silent, or if your on public transport and forget to turn your phone on loud.

There could be settings for changing themes at different times every day (9 to 5 job, same every day) or a weekly set up for different times every day (uni, with different classes)

For the interface, you could have visual calendar-like screen for planning the times for the week, or you could add changes to the theme one by one using drop down boxes (selecting, day, time, what theme, etc.)

 You can get several different apps to do this – I recommend AutomateIt 

Get it on Google Play


Gvim loading slowly when used with FileZilla

I learned emacs and vim briefly, so I wanted to start using it with everything, especially FileZilla, which is where I do a lot of coding.

I installed Gvim, since logging into the server through the terminal, and editing files directly with vim was too cumbersome (you needed to manually download a file, edit it, then upload it all in the terminal..)

I had this as my default editor:


And files were taking 5-10 seconds to load after they were downloaded from the server.. 
I changed it to:

/usr/bin/gvim -f

And it fixed it (for some reason)

Ubuntu GIF screen cast

A screencast is the recording of computer screen (aka screen capture) with the help of screen recording software. If you want to convert these screencasts into animated GIFs to use them on your blog or website, then this tutorial will explain this using two methods under Ubuntu/Linux Mint.

Method 1

The first method consists of using Byzanz which allows to record screencasts as GIFs. To install it under Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/11.10 or Linux Mint 13/12, open the terminal and run these commands:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:fossfreedom/byzanz
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y byzanz

You can now use this comman to record GIF screencasts (replace details with your own):

byzanz-record --duration=15 --delay=2 --cursor --x=65 --y=88    --width=666 --height=500  output.gif


For more help about the use of Byzanz, run this command:

byzanz-record –help

Note: The GIF file will be saved in the current terminal location.